Friday, April 3, 2009

Money - Get Me A Financial Planner, Sil Vous Plez

i recently asked a certain someone aka ngap, regarding our life together and why some people seem to lead such 'blissful' existence while ours' is so eventful (read: topsy-turvy).

i related to her regarding a work buddy who has 2 kids, wife's working, who probably earns more than him. i know because we get paid peanuts. does that mean we're monkeys? he saves (a lot) and provides for his family. he doesn't drive a fancy car and keeps it for up to 9-10 years. he did this the last time he changed from saga to honda city. he wear the same clothes and tie until it gets frayed. it's a good bet that he'll live a comfortable retirement, nothing fancy but good nonetheless.i truly admire a non-gay sort of way:D (please, i'm not homophobic but, you know what i mean)

then, there's us. everything's touch-n-go. no savings to shout about, servicing two properties, kids expenses, household, insurance, maid...and the list goes on. we live month to month, hand to mouth. the future is still a blur. what kind of retirement will we have? i dare not even imagine. unfortunately for us, we're both true consumers. we love to spend, getting that endorphin rush (yes, it like going to gym except less strenuous) until cognitive dissonance sets in. we look at the 'things' we accumulated and wonder how to get rid or where to store them!? worse, m2 is kinda like us. she's likes to buy 'stuff'..a lot of stuff. oh me, oh my...

so, i constantly question myself, can we do what my esteem colleague is doing? living within our means. simple concept. implementation and discipline is the tough part. at this moment, we can say it's not possible. we've dived too deep into the abyss and the surface is beyond reach. this is the year of proper financial planning on my part - to secure our future...say this every year:) God help us!

p/s. there is also that estima or rx300 or crv in the showroom with my name on it;P muahahaha

anyhoo...I leave you fellow night birds with words of wisdom from operatic rockers, Pink Floyd...

MONEY - Pink Floyd

Money, its a crime.
Share it fairly but don't take a slice of my pie.
Money, so they say
Is the root of all evil today.
But if you ask for a raise its no surprise that they're
Giving none away.

1 comment:

diane said...

Word of Wisdom.
"We can invest Rm100 a week in any form of lottery.
Faithfully doing it until we strike gold.. "
Anonymous once said.
I am just suggesting..