Thursday, March 26, 2009

I Say "This", You Say "What!?"

Without a common language, we wouldn't be able to communicate with one another e.g. myself trying to speak mandarin to a native speak. A "kai tung ngap kong wa" scenario happens (translation: the chicken trying to talk to the duck).

Also, sometimes our intentions are good but, the words that come out from our mouths are foul ie. not what was meant to be said. Once said, often it is very, VERY difficult to explain the rational behind those 'foul'words. It's too late, damage done. Like Patrick Teo says "niamah"! (check out

Incidentally, i was listening to 89.9 BFM last night on the way home from work and, the topic was language skills and how to use positive words to enhance communication. Advice was to consciously stop yourself before speaking and make positive statements. How ironic it was that i got shot down for the choice of words used that very same night! (check out podcast " Using Positive Language - Sylvia Fernandez"at

What is said cannot be taken back but, i hope that one is allowed to explain the rational/good intentions behind the misunderstanding or misinterpretation. After that, if it still not acceptable, then by all means, blind-fold me and call in the firing squad.

Language or Communication skills is an essential tool to exist in our society. Without it, we can only go so far...unless you work alone and don't need to interact with anyone. Or, you're the king and everyone else answers to you:P Of course, even the king answers to God.

Communication is hard. I was bad at it before, bad at it now. Please forgive me. My true intentions are pure...


Anonymous said...

hahaha!! who is the kai and who is the ngap?

Dorabie said...

wah lau, brother, Copyright leh...You got read my latest entry ah??...something similar man.

raymundo de amundo said...

i'm the rooster, the ngap is a moo moo who looks like a pussycat but behaves like a panther, quiet but deadly. didn't get 'blasted' for your actions or words did you?

diane said...

Such wisdom and insights. You should keep this up.
You definitely communicate better in writing than your spoken words. You should consider just writing to people in the future instead of talking.

best regards,

Dorabie said...

Hey chill chill...don't fight here ok? don't get blasted lah just once a while kena very cold shoulder....very scary..I scared of anything snake la, worms, etc...