Sunday, March 22, 2009

Earth Hour

since it's going to be earth hour this month, thought i give my 2 bits on the subject..

we, humans, are consumers at heart. we consume our planet till it's having a nervous breakdown...deplete its resources, expel too much waste, it's no wonder there's a hole in the ozone. our forest are gone. it's hot during monsoon, rain during dry season,..we consume so much that there isn't enough supply to sustain our appetite. that's why we have genetically modified food, cows on steroids and chickens that don't sleep.

what can we do to make this planet better? by looking at our own individual consumption patterns and make little changes. consume only what we need not what we want. simple enough concept but, not easy for us, the urbanites, the ultimate consumers, to implement.

even now with the current global recession. governments around the world are looking at stimulating 'consumption' to boost their economies. we've to consume in order to sustain growth, so we don't lose our jobs...ironic isn't it?

switch off the electricity when not in use, don't over order food, recycle your paper, don't use plastic bags, etc. i don't know...just do something!Anything!

i'm not the poster boy for saving the world. i still have my guilty pleasures (alot of them) but, do what we can. not for ourselves but, for our children and the generations to come.

check out,

1 comment:

diane said...

Well said well said, especially liked the part about the earth having nervous breakdown and modified food.
I think the earth hour is our first effort in acknowledging this crisis we are facing. We should have an alert conscience, knowing there is a cause and effect in our actions.
If all of us take baby steps now, we can salvage the damage.